Our complaints process
At whereinsicily.com, we pride ourselves in providing our customers with the best possible service. However, if you have any concerns about your holiday, please follow the guidelines outlined below.
In the event of any issues arising in advance of your holiday, please contact the whereinsicily.com Customer Experience Team via our contact form with full details of your complaint. We will acknowledge your correspondence within 14 days of receipt and respond fully within 28 days of receipt.
In the event of any problems arising during the course of your holiday, you must report it immediately to our representative on the holiday to allow us the opportunity to resolve matters for you. Should you remain dissatisfied, you should file a written report, including clear details of what went wrong, and submit this to us within 28 days of your return via our contact form.
No liability will be accepted for any complaint not reported to our representative at the time and / or intimated within 28 days thereafter.